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Monday - Friday
8 AM - 5 PM
Business Hours
M -F
8 AM - 5 PM
With the legalization of recreational marijuana in Arizona and the passage of Proposition 207, those with certain marijuana possession convictions can now have their records expunged, effective July 12, 2021. The Pima County Attorney’s Office (PCAO) is pleased to help people expunge these types of records and carry out the will of the voters.
The information requested below will be used by PCAO to identify candidates for expungement of marijuana convictions. If you have any concerns about your own criminal legal status, please consult an attorney before submitting your information. Once PCAO receives your submitted answers, we will reply to your email to confirm that we are processing your information.
(Note: Certain other convictions may be set aside under Arizona law, under some circumstances. You can find information about possible relief from a conviction that is not eligible for Proposition 207 expungement by clicking here.)