#WeekInJustice: Week 168
This week was so exceptionally busy, I can only share highlights. We’ll save details for the Monthly.
But here’s a glance:
- We appeared before the Board of Supervisors and clawed back partial funding that had been swept from our budget. The Board chose this path to help us retain highly experienced attorneys who have returned to and chosen our Office and to continue our current hiring momentum.
- And, by coincidence we traversed all over the County.
- Green Valley’s first student of their new DUI Treatment Court finished successfully. It was fantastic to congratulate him and his family on the new path he has charted.

- We returned to Sells for our regular meetings with the Tohono O’odham Attorney General and his Senior Leadership and then Chairman José and Vice Chairwoman Johnson.
- Last night, we held our semi-annual Town Hall in Ajo alongside their PCSO Lieutenant, Constable, Probation, our own fabulous Ajo Deputy Prosecutor Sara Barrett and Legal Secretary Pat Gonzalez, new Justice of the Peace Sara Mae Williams, and our Victim Services Director Virginia Rodriguez.

- And this morning we finished with an informal Cafecito in Why, Arizona.
- Western Pima County remains beautiful, resilient, and KIND.
To be continued,