#WeekInJustice: Week 146
The cool fall weather is finally here and it’s a great time to get out and enjoy the day (it’s also time to break out the fall gear) along with…. THE ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS HEADING TO THE 2023 WORLD SERIES!!! Do we need to say anything more this week!!! World Series Game #1 is tonight against the Texas Rangers. GO DIAMONDBACKS!!

PCAO will have a trunk at the Pima County Sheriff’s Department Trunk-or-Treat tomorrow from 4:30-7:30 PM at Kino Sports Complex 2500 E. Ajo Way. Bring your kiddos out in their costumes, be sure to stop by our “spooky graveyard” and grab some candy. 😊
The 20th Cyclovia Tucson event is happening this Sunday 10/29 from 9am-3pm. The car-free event is a 5-mile stretch along Fourth and Fontana Avenues. You’re invited to ride your bike, walk, and skate on the path. More than 50,000 people are expected to attend.
PCAO was honored to have a pair of communication projects from 2022 be recognized by the Public Relations Society of America – Southern Arizona chapter on Tuesday night in downtown Tucson. The PRSA Impact Awards included recognition of our work to address the deadly opioid overdose epidemic through the public awareness campaign “Make the Call,” as well as our “Year Two Review.”

“Make The Call” was recognized as the best Public Service Announcement, while the “Year Three Review” was a winner in the Annual Report category. And fresh off winning those two awards, we are releasing the next phase of “Make the Call,” and working toward releasing our “Year Three Review” before the end of this year. Our communications department will be releasing a NEW PSA as part of our “Make The Call” campaign to promote the use of Narcan to prevent overdoses in our community. It features Bryan Hamilton a Tucsonan who battled addiction and is now helping others recover. More details on that are on the way KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR EMAIL.

Shannon Welsh from our Major Crimes Bureau was just inducted into the University of North Carolina-Greensboro Athletics Hall of Fame!!! Shannon was the 2006 SoCon Women’s Soccer Player of the Year, 2006 Tournament MVP, and three-time All-SoCon first team awardee!! Go Shannon congratulations!!!

The Office received a nice letter from Mid-America Regional Crime Analysis Network (MARCAN) in recognition of Sean Rambaran and his participation and well-done presentation called “From Moneyball to Misdemeanors: How Analysis Developed in Baseball and Policing” Fantastic work Sean!!!

Now to the heavier and pressing issues that have affected us all this week.
At the end of a week like the week we’ve all had, we must reflect on both International and national concerns. We have not one but two war zones affecting the world now, and on the home front we have once again experienced one of the worst mass shootings of recent memory.
The bitter irony doesn’t escape us at The People’s Office.
I met with Dennisse Ley De Balderrama, the Executive director of homicide survivors, and among Our many topics this week, she talked about preparation training that her staff and our Victim Services advocates had attended this week together. They were preparing for the next, and perhaps inevitable, mass shooting here at home.
And of course, I want to somehow apologize for this reality. I wish somehow our office had the capability to work against this possibility, but in fact, we can only prepare for it.
But, also, we can and will lobby to join the Nation and become a Red Flag state. And we can add our collective voices in curbing the public access to military weapons.
And we can be good, caring neighbors to one another.
Because that is Tucson.
To be continued,