Week 155


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Looking back on 2023

#WeekInJustice: Week 155

For myriad reasons, the turning over of the calendar from one year to the next allows us to think about, or even rely on, the idea that great change will now happen. I tend to think it takes great force of will and courage to drive real and lasting change. 

Here at the Office, we are looking back at 2023 and asking ourselves how we can double down on our service to the community.

  • From two years ago, homicide is down 36% and robbery 39%. 
  • But aggravated assault numbers have held steady. So, we are looking at using this newfound space in the downtick in violent crimes to further pursue non-fatal shootings and other assaults. 
  • We were presented with 2,700 organized retail theft cases, and we pursued a whopping 92% of them.
  • What can we learn from this data?  Are we making a dent? Is the money being used wisely? We will be studying the recidivism rate to see what we can do better. 
  • 2023 was a year to train up dozens of volunteers, mediators, and facilitators in the practice of Restorative Justice (RJ.)  
  • As we move some of those property cases, immediately above, into our new RJ program, how will the recidivism rates compare?  And how much taxpayer money will be saved? 

If you can’t tell, the excitement from 2023 only grows here.  Yes, it’s now 2024, but the work is well underway. 

To be continued, 


Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney